Journey Juice has successfully attended four Athens Farmers Markets! It’s amazing to look back just a little over a month ago and see how far we’ve come. In as little as four weeks, we’ve successfully built a little buzz around town, have a hit flavor that people can’t seem to get enough of (Beet Zinger) and as of posting this, we’re currently at 143 Facebook Likes, and we haven’t even opened our doors yet. Amazing. We cannot thank our fans and supporters enough. We wouldn’t be able to do any of this without the support of our friends, family, and the greater Athens community. We feel very blessed to be among such supportive and eager people. Feels great to be among you.
Okie dokes, now onto the news: As always, we will be at the Athens Farmers Market this Saturday! Come by to sample our creations and pick up some Cold-Pressed Juices!
And in other news, we are opening our front doors this coming Monday (June 3rd). This is a soft-opening, to work out the kinks in the system, so please don’t expect us to put on a flawless show. It’ll be a little rough around the edges, but you’ll be able to buy organic, cold-pressed juice all week! Our tentative hours are going to start at 7:00am – 8:00pm Monday thru Saturday! Come by and show your early support! Feedback is always welcome! We’re very excited to get this shop up and running!
Continue reading Four Markets Down- Time To Open