How to get the most out of your Journey Juice Three-Day Cleanse
Does the idea of not eating anything solid for three days sound crazy to you? For those of you who do a juice cleanse regularly, that’s no big deal, right? But for those of you who eat three meals a day — even if you eat ‘healthy’ meals, the idea of not consuming anything but liquid juice for three days — that’s nine meals skipped — is crazy. If you are reading this blog, and you like Journey Juice, you already know how good you feel after drinking just one juice. But are you drinking a Journey Juice in lieu of a meal, or in addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner? Consider incorporating intermittent fasting into your juicing regimen to get the most benefit out of your three-day Journey Juice Cleanse. There are hundreds of studies citing the advantages of intermittent fasting. Fasting every other day has been shown to oxidize fat, reduce body weight, and lower triglyceride levels. *Klempel, Monica C.; Kroeger, Cynthia M.; Varady, Krista A. (2013). “Alternate day fasting (ADF) with a high-fat diet produces similar weight loss and cardio-protection as ADF with a low-fat diet”. Metabolism 62 (1)) There are two parts to the basic premise of the benefits available from fasting:- Humans have been the same (in evolutionary terms) for the last two million years or so. We did not start eating three square meals a day plus snacks until recently. And the quality of the three squares plus snacks in America has reached a nadir so low, our government has had to force the healthy minority to pay for the unhealthy majority’s healthcare.
- Our digestive systems require huge amounts of energy to work properly, especially when so many foreign (synthetic) substances are bombarding Americans’ bodies daily. The harder your digestive system works, the faster your body ages.
- Helps promote insulin sensitivity – Optimal insulin sensitivity is crucial for your health, as insulin resistance or poor insulin sensitivity contributes to nearly all chronic diseases
- Normalizes ghrelin levels, also known as your “hunger hormone”
- Increases the rate of HGH production, which has an important role in health, fitness, and slowing the aging process
- Lowers triglyceride levels
- Helps suppress inflammation and fight free radical damage
Individuals who are hypoglycemic, diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid any type of calorie restriction until your blood sugar or insulin levels are regulated. Please consult your physician before changing diets. Juicing and fasting should not be attempted ‘cold-turkey.’ While it is possible to go directly from consuming a SAD diet (Standard American Diet) to juicing and fasting, we do not advise it. If you drink Journey Juice on a regular basis, and fast on a regular basis, your body will love you. And you will love your body. But if you eat fast food regularly, drink Frappi’s, and believe that wheat toast with margarine is good for you, it is imperative to ween yourself off of those foods before starting a juice cleanse or a fast. It is very possible your body will revolt and make you very sick with the change in diet. This is the natural detoxing process which can be very uncomfortable, so we advise changing diets prior to beginning a juice cleanse or fast. Please email us with any questions about juice cleanses or intermittent fasting. We would be happy to discuss these amazing natural methods of detoxing your body and losing weight.